Our Values

The Jess Care team recognises that Young People’s opportunities in life may have been reduced by both their behavioural labelling and ‘looked after’ status. We therefore work with our Young People based on trust, choice and inclusion.

We aim to show all Young People that they are valued; that they will be listened to and heard; and, have choices and options in life. We aim to establish trusting and supportive relationships, enabling our Young People to feel secure and providing new meaning and purpose to their lives.

Some of the primary aims of the home are summarised below:

  • To provide a safe, stable and nurturing environment within a therapeutic setting
  • To provide a warm and homely environment that reflects a ‘family’ home setting so Young People can live comfortably and enjoy their surroundings
  • To provide a facility for long term, short term, and emergency placements. This will be managed by the matching policy/ process
  • To provide trained, knowledgeable and competent staff who are led by an experienced management team and other internal professionals. Statutory training will be provided in:
    • building resilience
    • understanding attachment
    • creating a therapeutic environment
    • domestic Violence
    • gang exploitation
    • therapeutic parenting
    • positive handling
    • life coaching
    • first aid
  • To treat all Young People in our care as unique, allowing them to be individuals
  • To encourage Young People to attend education and further learning as well as employment
  • To support and encourage Young People to take part in leisure activities and suitable hobbies
  • To give time, listen, and understand our Young People
  • To gain regular feedback from the Young People in all areas of their lives
  • To equip Young People with life skills and independence skills to support them when they move on
  • To treat all Young People with respect and dignity at all times
  • To provide personalised care considering the young person’s background
  • To enable Young People to contribute to the decision-making process wherever possible and when it involves their best interests in accordance to their relevant plans
  • To support Young People to holistically develop positive self-esteem, self-confidence and self- worth
  • To help each young person develop resilience and skills that will prepare them for their future placements
  • To recognise and promote the rights and associated responsibilities of each young person. To, have Young People’s cultural and religious background acknowledged and respected